I believe that sport should be important to everyone in our country, a priority to all of us, because as I said before is a way to stay healthy, to prevent some diseases like Hypertension, Diabetes and many more. People should do sport from a very young age and so they'll have the habit of doing it, that way people would not be as sedentary as it is today. One way to encourage doing sport could be doing free courses on sports facilities and inform people about the risks it brings not doing exercise or sports.
There's something funny in our country, among the most popular sports are soccer, tennis and in our national holiday the rodeo is very popular. I personally don’t think that rodeo can be taken as a sport; the truth is that I’m against to practice that “sport” and also against the way that they treat animals, I don’t think that is fair the treatment that the animals receive and I don’t think that is entertained go to see rodeo. I can’t think of another sport that I like less than the rodeo.
Someday, I would like that as a society we see that there are more sports than football and tennis and give the opportunity to another athletes to show what their doing and be part of it.
That’s it. See you in another publication.
Xoxo. Paula